A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion


这是对Tensorflow和Teneano深度学习系统的Keras包装器的发明者Francois Chollet的答复,他的论文“金宝博官方情报爆炸的不可能。”





Chollet’s essay seemed mostly on-point and kept to the object-level arguments. I am led to hope that Chollet is perhaps somebody who believes in abiding by the rules of a debate process, a fan of what I’d consider Civilization; and if his entry into this conversation has been met only with braindead arguments and insults, he deserves a better reply. I’ve tried here to walk through some of what I’d consider the standard arguments in this debate as they bear on Chollet’s statements.

As a meta-level point, I hope everyone agrees that an invalid argument for a true conclusion is still a bad argument. To arrive at the correct belief state we want to sum all the valid support, and only the valid support. To tally up that support, we need to have a notion of judging arguments on their own terms, based on their local structure and validity, and not excusing fallacies if they support a side we agree with for other reasons.


Without further ado, here are my thoughts in response to Chollet.




A good description of a human from the perspective of a chimpanzee.

From a certain standpoint, the civilization of the year 2017 could be said to have “magic” from the perspective of 1517. We can more precisely characterize this gap by saying that we in 2017 can solve problems using strategies that 1517 couldn’t recognize as a “solution” if described in advance, because our strategies depend on laws and generalizations not known in 1517. E.g., I could show somebody in 1517 a design for a compressor-based air conditioner, and they would not be able to recognize this as “a good strategy for cooling your house” in advance of observing the outcome, because they don’t yet know about the temperature-pressure relation. A fancy term for this would be “strong cognitive uncontainability”;一个隐喻的术语将是“魔术”,尽管我们当然没有做任何真正的超自然事物。人与较小的大脑之间存在类似但较大的差距(aka a aka a chimpanzee)。

It’s not exactly unprecedented to suggest that big gaps in cognitive ability correspond to big gaps in pragmatic capability to shape the environment. I think a lot of people would agree in characterizing intelligence as the Human Superpower, independently of what they thought about the intelligence explosion hypothesis.

- 例如,从科幻电影《超越》(2014年)中看到。

I agree that public impressions of things are things thatsomeoneought to be concerned about. If I take a ride-share and I mention that I do anything involving AI, half the time the driver says, “Oh, like Skynet!” This is an understandable reason to be annoyed. But if we’re trying to figure out the sheerly factual question of whether an intelligence explosion is possible and probable, it’s important to consider the best arguments on all sides of all relevant points, not the popular arguments. For that purpose it doesn’t matter if Deepak Chopra’s writing on quantum mechanics has a larger readership than any actual physicist.



I don’t see what work the word “individual” is doing within this sentence. From our perspective, it matters little whether a computing fabric is imagined to be a hundred agents or a single agency, if it seems to behave in a coherent goal-directed way as seen from outside. The pragmatic consequences are the same. I do think it’s fair to say that I think about “agencies” which from our outside perspective seem to behave in a coherent goal-directed way.

我从情报爆炸理论中看到的第一个问题是未能意识到智力必然是更广泛的系统的一部分 - 智力的愿景是可以独立于其处境独立于任意智能的“罐子中的大脑”。金宝博官方

我不知道自己,尼克·博斯特罗姆(Nick Bostrom)或该领域的其他主要技术声音,声称解决问题可以独立于处境/环境中。

That said, some systems function very well in a broad variety of structured low-entropy environments. E.g. the human brain functions much better than other primate brains in an extremely broad set of environments, including many that natural selection did not explicitly optimize for. We remain functional on the Moon, because the Moon has enough in common with the Earth on a sufficiently deep meta-level that, for example,过去的经验goes on functioning there. Now if you tossed us into a universe where the future bore no compactly describable relation to the past, we would indeed not do very well in that “situation”—but this is not pragmatically relevant to the impact of AI on our own real world, where the future does bear a relation to the past.


斯科特·亚伦森的反应: “Citing the ‘No Free Lunch Theorem’—i.e., the (trivial) statement that you can’t outperform brute-force search on随机的instances of an optimization problem—to claim anything useful about the limits of AI, is not a promising sign.”


拉普拉斯的继承规则正如托马斯·贝叶斯(Thomas Bayes)发明的那样,我们为基于先前观察到的元素预测二进制序列的未来元素提供了一个简单的规则。让我们将这个二进制序列作为一系列“头”和“尾巴”,由某些序列发生器产生,称为“硬币”,不公平。在产生继承规则的标准问题设置中,我们先前的无知状态是,我们认为硬币出现的频率是\(\ theta \),而我们所知道的\(\ theta \)是同等的。可能在\(0 \)和\(1 \)之间使用任何实际值。我们可以做一些贝叶斯的推论,并得出结论,在看到\(m \)头和\(n \)尾巴后,我们应该预测头部的几率:下一个coinflip的尾巴是:

$$\frac{M + 1}{M + N + 2} : \frac{N + 1}{M + N + 2}$$


该规则会产生诸如:“如果您还没有观察到任何偶数,将50-50分配给头和尾巴”或“如果您看过四个头,没有尾巴,请分配1/6的概率rather than 0 probability下一个翻转是尾巴”或“如果您看到硬币的头部出现了150次,尾巴又有75次,下次将硬币分配到大约2/3的概率上。”

Now this rule does not do super-well in any possible kind of environment. In particular, it doesn’t do any better than the maximum-entropy prediction “the next flip has a 50% probability of being heads, or tails, regardless of what we have observed previously” if the environment is in fact a fair coin. In general, there is “no free lunch” on predicting arbitrary binary sequences; if you assign greater probability mass or probability density to one binary sequence or class of sequences, you must have done so by draining probability from other binary sequences. If you begin with the prior that every binary sequence is equally likely, then you never expect any algorithm to do better一般than maximum entropy, even if that algorithm luckily does better in one particular random draw.


拉普拉斯(Laplace)继承规则实例化的推论规则在通用的低渗透宇宙中会更好。它不是从特定知识开始的;它不是从假设硬币是偏见的头部或有偏见的尾巴开始的。如果硬币是有偏见的,拉普拉斯的规则将了解到这一点。如果硬币是偏见的尾巴,拉普拉斯的规则也将很快从观察中得知。如果硬币实际上是公平的,那么拉普拉斯的规则将迅速收敛于50-50区域中的概率,而每co依夫的概率并不比我们从Max-Max-entropy Prior开始。

您能比Laplace的继承规则做得更好吗?当然;如果环境产生头的可能性等于0.73,并且您开始知道这一点,那么您可以在第一轮中猜测看到头的概率为73%。但是,即使内置了这种非传播和高度特定的知识,您也不会非常much better than Laplace’s Rule of Succession unless the first coinflips are very important to your future survival. Laplace’s Rule will probably figure out the answer is somewhere around 3/4 in the first dozen rounds, and get to the answer being somewhere around 73% after a couple of hundred rounds, and if the answer不是0.73它也可以处理这种情况。


$$ hththththththt…$$

…那你可能会很高的猜测不是无限的下一个生成的元素是\(h \)的概率。这是因为您有能力识别一种模式,而拉普拉斯(Laplace)规则没有(即交替的头部和尾巴)。当然,您识别这种模式的能力只能在有时会产生类似模式的环境中有助于您有时会产生这种模式。如果我们把你扔进一个宇宙同样经常在观察一千个完美的交替对之后,向您介绍了“尾巴”,就像“头”一样,您的模式识别能力将是没有用的。当然,类似的最大渗透宇宙通常不会在初始序列中为您提供一千个完美的交替!

One extremely general but utterly intractable inference rule is所罗诺夫诱导, A普遍先验它将概率分配给每个可计算序列(或序列上的可计算概率分布)与成比例algorithmic simplicity也就是说,与指定计算所需的程序大小的指数相反。所罗诺夫诱导可以从观察中学习任何可以由紧凑的程序,相对于通用计算机的选择,该计算机最多对所需的证据数量或错误的数量产生有限的影响。当然,在假设结构 - 避免算法可压缩序列的假设结构范围内,所罗门诺夫的电感器将比最大 - 凝集的先验稍微稍微做,尽管不介意。较少的可能值得庆幸的是,我们不在这样的宇宙中生活。



继承拉普拉斯的统治将开始做方程lly well as this, given a couple of hundred initial coinflips to see the pattern; and Laplace’s Rule also does well in many other low-entropy universes besides, such as those where each flip has 0.07 probability of coming up heads.

A human is more general and can also spot patterns like \(HTTHTTHTTHTT\) where Laplace’s Rule would merely converge to assigning probability 1/3 of each flip coming up heads, while the human becomes increasingly certain that a simple temporal process is at work which allows each succeeding flip to be predicted with near-certainty.



关于这一点的一些较早的非正式讨论可以在No-Free-Lunch Theorems Are Often Irrelevant




In a more concrete way, we can observe this empirically in that all intelligent systems we know are highly specialized. The intelligence of the AIs we build today is hyper specialized in extremely narrow tasks — like playing Go, or classifying images into 10,000 known categories. The intelligence of an octopus is specialized in the problem of being an octopus. The intelligence of a human is specialized in the problem of being human.

The problem that a human solves is much more general than the problem an octopus solves, which is why we can walk on the Moon and the octopus can’t. We aren’t absolutely general—the Moon still hasa certain somethingin common with the Earth. Scientific induction still works on the Moon. It is not the case that when you get to the Moon, the next observed charge of an electron has nothing to do with its previously observed charge; and if you throw a human into an alternate universe like that one, the human stops working. But the problem a human solvesgeneral enough to pass from oxygen environments to the vacuum.

如果我们要把新鲜创造的人脑放在章鱼的身体中,并活在海底的底部,将会发生什么?它甚至会学会使用八足的身体吗?它可以在几天里生存吗?…大脑具有用手可以抓住的身体的硬编码概念,可以吮吸的嘴,将眼睛安装在移动的头上,可用于视觉上关注物体(前桥 - 眼睛反射),并且需要这些先见之见才是人类的智力开始控制人体。



我们也没有理由相信人类运动cortex is the limit of what’s possible. If we sometimes got plopped into randomly generated bodies, I expect we’d already have motor cortex that could adapt to octopodes. Maybe MotorCortex Zero could do three days of self-play on controlling randomly generated bodies and emerge rapidly able to learn any body in that class. Or, humans who are allowed to use Keras could figure out how to control octopus arms using ML. The last case would be most closely analogous to that of a hypothetical seed AI.

Empirical evidence is relatively scarce, but from what we know, children that grow up outside of the nurturing environment of human culture don’t develop any human intelligence. Feral children raised in the wild from their earliest years become effectively animals, and can no longer acquire human behaviors or language when returning to civilization.

没有视觉输入,人类视觉皮层的发展不佳。这并不意味着我们的Visual Cortex是一个简单的空白板,并且所有要处理视觉的信息都存储在环境中,而Visual Cortex仅从空白的板岩中适应了。如果那是真的,我们希望它可以轻松控制章鱼的眼睛。视觉皮层需要视觉输入,因为进化生物学的逻辑:如果使X成为环境常数,则该物种有可能获得假设存在X的基因。它没有理由不这样做。预期的结果是,视觉皮层包含大量的遗传复杂性,使其比通用的大脑皮层更好地进行视觉,但是某些复杂性需要在儿童期间正确展开视觉输入。

But if in the ancestral environment children had grown up in total darkness 10% of the time, before seeing light for the first time on adulthood, it seems extremely likely that we could have evolved to not require visual input in order for the visual cortex to wire itself up correctly. E.g., the retina could have evolved to send in simple hallucinatory shapes that would cause the rest of the system to wire itself up to detect those shapes, or something like that.


And even if there’s no evolved solution, this doesn’t mean you can’t intelligently design a solution. Natural selection never built animals with steel bones or wheels for limbs, because there’s no easy incremental pathway there through a series of smaller changes, so those designs aren’t very evolvable; but human engineers still build skyscrapers and cars, etcetera.

Among humans, the art of Go is stored in a vast repository of historical games and other humans, and future Go masters among us grow up playing Go as children against superior human masters rather than inventing the whole art from scratch. You would not expect even the most talented human, reinventing the gameplay all on their own, to be able to win a competition match with a first-dan pro.

But AlphaGo was initialized on this vast repository of played games in stored form, rather than it needing to actually play human masters.

And then less than two years later, AlphaGo Zero taught itself to play at a vastly human-superior level, in three days, by self-play, from scratch, using a much simpler architecture with no ‘instinct’ in the form of precomputed features.

Now one may perhaps postulate that there is some sharp and utter distinction between the problem that AlphaGo Zero solves, and the much more general problem that humans solve, whereby our vast edifice of Go knowledge can be surpassed by a self-contained system that teaches itself, but our general cognitive problem-solving abilities can neither be compressed into a database for initialization, nor taught by self-play. But why suppose that? Human civilization taught itself by a certain sort of self-play; we didn’t learn from aliens. More to the point, I don’t see a sharp and utter distinction between Laplace’s Rule, AlphaGo Zero, a human, and a Solomonoff inductor; they just learn successively more general problem classes. If AlphaGo Zero can waltz past all human knowledge of Go, I don’t see a strong reason why AGI Zero can’t waltz past the human grasp of how to reason well, or how to perform scientific investigations, or how to learn from the data in online papers and databases.

This point could perhaps be counterargued, but it hasn’t yet been counterargued to my knowledge, and it certainly isn’t settled by any theorem of computer science known to me.


It’s not obvious to me why any of this matters. Say an AI takes three days to learn to use an octopus body. So what?


If the gears of your brain were the defining factor of your problem-solving ability, then those rare humans with IQs far outside the normal range of human intelligence would live lives far outside the scope of normal lives, would solve problems previously thought unsolvable, and would take over the world — just as some people fear smarter-than-human AI will do.

“冯·诺伊曼?牛顿?爱因斯坦?”-Scott Aaronson

更重要的是:爱因斯坦等人。没有大脑大100倍的大脑,也没有快10,000倍。Einstein等人通过性生殖物种中的性重组逻辑。不可能有大量de novo标准人脑中不存在的软件。(也就是说:一种具有10个必要部分的适应,每个部分在该物种中只有50%的盛会,只能完全组装1000次中的1个,这不足以在组分基因上呈现尖锐的选择梯度;复杂的相互依存机械在性繁殖物种中必然是普遍的,只是有时可能无法完全组装它。您不会获得X战警的全新复杂能力的“突变体”。)


The standard reply to anyone who deploys e.g. the Argument from Gödel to claim the impossibility ofAgi是要问:“为什么您的论点不排除人类?”



没有人,甚至没有约翰·冯·诺伊曼(John von Neumann),也无法重塑自己的游戏玩法,并继续踩踏世界上最伟大的大师。Alphago Zero在三天内做到了。显然,“我们可以从人类变异的界限中推断出认知能力的界限”是错误的。如果应该有一些特殊情况,这是真实而不是错误的,并且禁止超人AGI,则需要阐明该特殊情况。


…说智人, surrounded by countless powerful artifacts whose abilities, let alone mechanisms, would be utterly incomprehensible to the organisms of any less intelligent Earthly species.





它不能吃互联网吗?它不能吃market? It can’t crack the protein folding problem and deploy arbitrary biological systems? It can’t get anything done by thinking a million times faster than we do? All this is to be inferred from observing that the smartest human was no more impressive than John von Neumann?

我在这里看不到强有力的贝叶斯证据。It seems easy to imagine worlds such that you can get a lot of pragmatically important stuff done if you have a brain 100 times the size of John von Neumann’s, think a million times faster, and have maxed out and transcended every human cognitive talent and not just the mathy parts, and yet have the version of John von Neumann inside that world be no more impressive than we saw. How then do we infer from observing John von Neumann that we are not in such worlds?

我们知道,通过查看人类最大值来推断认知界限的规则对零不起作用。为什么还可以推断“ AGI因为没有人类吃过股票市场而无法食用股票市场”?

However, these billions of brains, accumulating knowledge and developing external intelligent processes over thousand of years, implement a system — civilization — which may eventually lead to artificial brains with greater intelligence than that of a single human. It is civilization as a whole that will create superhuman AI, not you, nor me, nor any individual. A process involving countless humans, over timescales we can barely comprehend. A process involving far more externalized intelligence — books, computers, mathematics, science, the internet — than biological intelligence…

Will the superhuman AIs of the future, developed collectively over centuries, have the capability to develop AI greater than themselves? No, no more than any of us can.

前提是,运行特定类型的软件(人的大脑)的特定大小和组成的大脑只能解决问题X(在这种情况下,如果它们在某个组中合作,则等于“构建AGI”)n尺寸n并运行一定的时间,并建立z数量的外部认知假体。好的。通过自然选择,人类并不是特别专门研究AI建造问题。Why wouldn’t an AGI with larger brains, running faster, using less insane software, containing its own high-speed programmable cognitive hardware to which it could interface directly in a high-bandwidth way, and perhaps specialized on computer programming in exactly the way that human brains aren’t, get more done on net than human civilization? Human civilization tackling Go devoted a lot of thinking time, parallel search, and cognitive prostheses in the form of playbooks, and then AlphaGo Zero blew past it in three days, etcetera.

To sharpen this argument:


但是,这个前提显然是错误的,甚至深蓝bore witness. Is there supposed to be some special case of this generalization which is true rather than false, and says something about the ‘build an AGI’ problem which it does not say about the ‘win a chess game’ problem? Then what is that special case and why should we believe it?

Also relevant: In the game of Kasparov vs. The World, the world’s best player Garry Kasparov played a single game against thousands of other players coordinated in an online forum, led by four chess masters. Garry Kasparov’s brain eventually won, against thousands of times as much brain matter. This tells us something about the inefficiency of human scaling with simple parallelism of the nodes, presumably due to the inefficiency and low bandwidth of human speech separating the would-be arrayed brains. It says that you do not need a thousand times as much processing power as one human brain to defeat the parallel work of a thousand human brains. It is the sort of thing that can be done even by one human who is a little more talented and practiced than the components of that parallel array. Humans often just don’t agglomerate very efficiently.


This takes in the premise “AIs can only output a small amount of cognitive improvement in AI abilities” and reaches the conclusion “increase in AI capability will be a civilizationally diffuse process.” I’m not sure that the conclusion follows, but would mostly dispute that the premise has been established by previous arguments. To put it another way, this particular argument does not contribute anything new to support “AI cannot output much AI”, it just tries to reason further from that as a premise.

我们解决问题的能力(尤其是我们设计AI的能力)已经在不断提高,因为这些能力主要不存在于我们的生物学大脑中,而是在我们的外部集体工具中。递归循环已经进行了很长时间,“更好的大脑”的兴起不会在定性上影响它 - 不比以前增强情报的技术更重要。

来自Arbital的Harmless supernova fallacypage:

  • 先例,因此无害:“真的,我们周围已经有了超新星while: there are already devices that produce ‘super’ amounts of heat by fusing elements low in the periodic table, and they’re called thermonuclear weapons. Society has proven well able to regulate existing thermonuclear weapons and prevent them from being acquired by terrorists; there’s no reason the same shouldn’t be true of supernovas.” (Noncentral fallacy / continuum fallacy: putting supernovas on a continuum with hydrogen bombs doesn’t make them able to be handled by similar strategies, nor does finding a category such that it contains both supernovas and hydrogen bombs.)


令人震惊的断言。假设我们可以在某些虚拟上传的环境中加快AI-研究者的大脑100金宝博娱乐0倍,不允许他们进行新的物理学或生物学实验,而是让他们访问虚拟世界内的计算机。我们是否认为AI开发会花费相同的恒星时间?我期望下一个版本的TensorFlow会更早出现,即使考虑到大多数单独的AI实验将会变得更加宏伟,因为加速的研究人员将需要这些实验来更快地完成并使用较少的计算能力。金宝博娱乐缩放损失将小于总数,就像在当前的研究环境中添加一千千倍的CPU可能会加快进度的速度最多增加5倍,而不是1000倍。同样,所有这些加速金宝博娱乐brains we might see progress increase only by a factor of 50 instead of 1000, but I’d still expect it to go a lot faster.




递归地改善X数学上会导致X呈指数增长吗?否 - 简而言之,因为没有复杂的现实世界系统可以建模为`x(t + 1)= x(t) * 金宝博官方a,a> 1)`。

This seems like areally奇怪的断言,一眼驳斥世界GDP。Note that this can’t be an isolated observation, because it also implies that everynecessary对世界GDP的投入正在设法跟上,并且至少在最近的历史上,所有无法跟上跟上的意见都在经济上绕过。

我们不必推测智能系统开始优化自己的智能时,是否会发生“爆炸”。金宝博官方碰巧的是,大多数系统都是自我提高的。金宝博官方我们被它们包围了……机电一体化正在递归自我改善 - 更好的制造机器人可以制造更好的制造机器人。军事帝国递归地自我膨胀 - 您的帝国越大,您的军事意义就越大。个人投资是自我提高的 - 您拥有的钱越多,您可以赚钱的钱就越多。


软件在更大的过程中只是一个齿轮(我们的经济,我们的生活),就像您的大脑只是一个更大过程中的一个齿轮 - 人类文化。这种背景严格限制了软件的最大潜在有用性,就像我们的环境一样,即使有超人的大脑才能使任何人的智能变得有多么聪明。


具体而言,假设一种药物足够聪明,可以破解逆蛋白结构的预测,即,它可以建立自己的生物学,并且物理定律允许使用任何数量的生物后分子机械。从什么意义上讲,它仍然取决于人类其他文化的大多数经济成果?为什么不只是开始构建von Neumann机器?




当涉及智能时,系统间的通信会成为对基础模块的任何改进的刹车 - 更智能零件金宝博官方的大脑将在协调它们方面遇到更多麻烦;

Why doesn’t this prove that humans can’t be much smarter than chimps?

我们可以推断出从进化记录中控制人类大脑的规模定律是一个复杂的话题。在这一点上,我将您推荐给第3.1节,“大脑大小的回报”,第35-39页,inmy semitechnical discussion of returns on cognitive investment。得出的结论是,我们可以从过去几百万年的人类历史上的均衡脑大小的增加,以及人口遗传学的基本逻辑,在这段时间内,随着时间的增加和时间和时间的增加,边际回报增加了大脑的回报presumably increasingly sophisticated neural ‘software’. I also remark that human brains are not the only possible cognitive computing fabrics.



然而,现代科学进步是线性的。我在2012年的一篇题为“奇异之处都没有来”的文章中详细介绍了这种现象。在1950 - 2000年期间,我们没有比1900 - 1950年以上的物理学取得更大的进步 - 我们也可以说。数学的发展速度并没有比1920年更快。几十年来,医学一直在其所有指标上取得线性进步。




Our brains don’t scale to hold it all, and every time a new human is born you have to start over from scratch instead of copying and pasting the knowledge. It does not seem to me like a slam-dunk to generalize from the squishy little brains yelling at each other to infer the scaling laws of arbitrary cognitive computing fabrics.

Intelligence is situational — there is no such thing as general intelligence. Your brain is one piece in a broader system which includes your body, your environment, other humans, and culture as a whole.

True of chimps; didn’t stop humans from being much smarter than chimps.



上面的论点的一部分是,正如我可能不公平地总结它的那样,“没有任何意义,人类绝对比章鱼更聪明。”好的,但是务实说,我们有核武器和章鱼没有。一个相似的务实capability gap between humans and未对准阿吉斯似乎是一个合理关注的问题。如果您不想将其称为智能差距,请称其为您喜欢的东西。


I don’t see what observation about our present world licenses the conclusion that speeding up brains tenfold would produce no change in the rate of technological advancement.

Human intelligence is largely externalized, contained not in our brain but in our civilization. We are our tools — our brains are modules in a cognitive system much larger than ourselves.



True if we redefine “self-improving” as “any positive feedback loop whatsoever”. A nuclear fission weapon is also a positive feedback loop in neutrons triggering the release of more neutrons. The elements of this system interact on a much faster timescale than human neurons fire, and thus the overall process goes pretty fast on our own subjective timescale. I don’t recommend standing next to one when it goes off.



In particular, this is the case for scientific progress — science being possibly the closest system to a recursively self-improving AI that we can observe.

我认为我们主要是做科学错误, but that would be a讨论更长




我本人和罗宾·汉森(Robin Hanson)在“AI Foom Debate。”我希望甚至罗宾·汉森(Robin Hanson)在这场辩论中广泛反对我,也会对所有系统中的进步都局限于大致线性速度的想法咳嗽。金宝博官方

有关更多阅读,我建议我自己的半技术论文,以了解我们当前的观察结果可以告诉我们有关通过资源越来越多的认知系统规模的规模,并提高了优化,”金宝博官方Intelligence Explosion Microeconomics。”

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