







Update: This strategic plan is now obsolete. See our2013年战略重点反而。

宣布$ 125,000的夏季奇点挑战


多亏了几个主要捐助者的慷慨,,,,every donation to the Machine Intelligence Research Institute made now直到2011年8月31日188betapp ,总计125,000美元。

现在是您的机会将您的影响加倍while supporting the Machine Intelligence Research Institute and helping us raise up to $250,000 to help fund我们的研金宝博娱乐究计划并上演即将到来的奇异性峰会… for which you canregister now

Rob Zahra慷慨地提供了125,000美元的支持,quixey,,,,Clippy, Luke Nosek, Edwin Evans, Rick Schwall, Brian Cartmell, Mike Blume, Jeff Bone, Johan Edsträm, Zvi Mowshowitz, John Salvatier, Louie Helm, Kevin Fischer, Emil Gilliam, Rob and Oksana Brazell, Guy Srinivasan, John Chisholm, and John Ku.

2011年已经巨大的人工智能。与IBM计算机沃森(Watson)击败了两个顶部危险!冠军在二月份,很明显,该领域正在稳步进步。像Torie Bosch这样的记者Slate争论that“我们需要从机器人 - 启示赛笑话转变为有关新兴技术的认真讨论。”我们不同意 - 实际上,机器情报研究所一直在考虑如何在奇点降落在奇点上以来如何创建安全和道德的人工智能金宝博娱乐front coverof时间magazine.

The last 1.5 years were our biggest ever. Since the beginning of 2010, we have:

  • Held our annual奇异性峰会,在旧金山。演讲者包括Ray Kurzweil,James Randi,Irene Pepperberg等。
  • 举行了澳大利亚第一次奇点峰会和奇异峰会萨利特盐湖城。
  • Held a wildly successful Rationality Minicamp.
  • Published seven research papers, including Yudkowsky’s much-awaited ‘永恒的决策理论‘。
  • 帮助哲学家戴维·查尔默斯(David Chalmersentire issueof意识研究杂志and a从施普林格(Springer)致力于回答查尔默斯(Chalmers)的论文。
  • 启动了研究协会计划。金宝博娱乐
  • 将麻省理工学院宇宙学家Max Tegmark带到我们的顾问委员会,出版了我们的Singularity FAQ, 以及更多。


  • 举行我们的年度奇异性峰会,,,,in New York City this year.
  • 在即将到来的学术卷中发布三章奇异性假设,,,,along with several other papers.
  • Improve organizational transparency by creating a simpler, easier-to-use website that includes Machine Intelligence Research Institute planning and policy documents.
  • Publish a document of open research problems related to Friendly AI, to clarify the research space and encourage other researchers to contribute to our mission.
  • 将其他熟练的研究人员添加到我们的研究协会计划中金宝博娱乐。
  • Publish well-researched documents making the case for existential risk reduction as optimal philanthropy.
  • 通过申请有针对性的赠款和宣传我们的资金来源多样化我们的资金来源188betapp


“I’m interested in facilitating a forum in which there can be… substantive research on how to bring about a world in which AI will be friendly to humans rather than hostile… [The Machine Intelligence Research Institute represents] a combination of very talented people with the right problem space [they’re] going after… [They’ve] done a phenomenal job… on a shoestring budget. From my perspective, the key question is always: What’s the amount of leverage you get as an investor? Where can a small amount make a big difference? This is a very leveraged kind of philanthropy.”

188betapp ,并抓住比平常更好的机会前进的机会。信用卡交易通过Cosises.com,Google Checkout或PayPal安全处理。如果您对捐赠有疑问,请致电(586)381-1801致电Amy Willey。



多亏了我们的捐助者的努力,塔林 - 埃文斯(Tallinn-Evans)的奇异性挑战得到了满足!All $125,000 contributed will be matched dollar for dollar by Jaan Tallinn and Edwin Evans, raising a total of $250,000 to fund the Machine Intelligence Research Institute’s operations in 2011. On behalf of our staff, volunteers, and entire community, I want to personally thank everyone who donated. Keep watching this blog throughout the year for updates on our activity, and sign up for金宝博官方 如果您还没有。



再次谢谢你。机器情报研究所完全取决于个人捐助者的贡献。金宝博娱乐钱确实是unit of caring,这是任何人都可以直接为机器情报研究所成功做出贡献的最简单方法之一。金宝博娱乐您可以提供帮助的另一个重要方法是将我们插入您的网络,请给我们发电子邮件如果您想提供帮助。

If you’re interested in connecting with other Machine Intelligence Research Institute supporters, we encourage joining ourgroup on Facebook。也有本地Less Wrong旧金山,洛杉矶,纽约和伦敦等城市的聚会。

宣布塔林 - 埃文斯$ 125,000的奇异挑战


得益于两个主要捐助者的慷慨解囊;Skype和Ambient Sound Investments的创始人Jaan Tallinn以及移动应用程序启动Quinly的首席执行官Edwin Evans,直到2011年1月20日,对机器情报研究所的每一贡献都将与美元相匹配,总计高达125,000美金宝博娱乐元。

$ 0




$ 125K

Interested in optimal philanthropy — that is, maximizing the future expected benefit to humanity per charitable dollar spent? The technological creation of greater-than-human intelligence has the potential to unleash an “intelligence explosion” as intelligent systems design still more sophisticated successors. This dynamic could transform our world as greatly as the advent of human intelligence has already transformed the Earth, for better or for worse. Thinking rationally about these prospects and working to encourage a favorable outcome offers an extraordinary chance to make a difference. The Machine Intelligence Research Institute exists to do so through its research, the Singularity Summit, and public education.

我们支持与问题的直接交往以及方法论的改进,以取得更好的进步。通过我们的访问研究员计划,,,,researchers from undergrads to Ph.Ds pursue questions on the foundations of Artificial Intelligence and related topics in two-to-three month stints. Our居民教师,去年三名研究人员最多进行金宝博娱乐了长期项目,包括AI研究,文献综述和一本关于理性的书,其初稿刚刚完成。美里研究人金宝博娱乐员和代表在2010年举行了十二次会议上进行了十二次演讲。我们在旧金山举行的奇异性峰会会议取得了巨大的成功,汇集了600多名与会者,22位顶级科学家和其他演讲者,以探索技术和技术的削减问题,科学。

We are pleased to receive donation matching support this year from Edwin Evans of the United States, a long-time MIRI donor, and Jaan Tallinn of Estonia, a more recent donor and supporter. Jaan recently gave atalk on the Singularity and his life在芬兰的一个企业家团体。这是Jaan对我们说的话:


- Jaan Tallinn,Miri捐助者

对当今人类的长期未来产生持久影响 - 做一个188betapp 并帮助我们实现我们的125,000美元目标。有关我们项目和工作的更多详细信息,请与我们联系admin@www.gqpatrol.com或阅读我们的新组织概述。

2010 Singularity Research Challenge Fulfilled!


由于我们的捐助者,昨天我们fundrai时我们见过面sing goal of $100,000 for the 2010 Singularity Research Challenge. MIRI would like to thank the grant’s matching donors and everyone who contributed. Every donation, however small, funds research and advocacy targeted towards maximizing the probability of a positive Singularity.

如果您对Miri的活动有任何疑问或评论,或者想讨论未来项目的有针对性捐款,请随时在Intellioncence dot org的Admin与我们联系。我们还鼓励您订阅此博客,如果您还没有,请遵守Miri的活动。




提供异常良好的慈善回报 - 意味着积极的奇异性和人类灭绝的几率更大 - 机器情报研究所发起了一项新的挑战运动。金宝博娱乐赞助商Edwin Evans,Rolf Nelson,Henrik Jonsson,Jason Joachim和Robert Lecnik都慷慨地投入了100,000美元的相配资金,因此您捐款至2月28日,您将以美元的价格匹配美元。如果该活动成功,它将筹集全额20万美元,以资助Miri的2010年活动。

For almost a decade, the Machine Intelligence Research Institute has been asking questions on the future of human civilization: How can we benefit from increasingly powerful technology without succumbing to the risks, up to and including human extinction? What is the best way to handle artificial general intelligence (AGI): programs as smart as humans, or smarter?

Among MIRI’s core aims is to continue studying “Friendly AI”: AI that acts benevolently because it holds goals aligned with human values. This involves drawing on and contributing to fields like decision theory, computer science, cognitive and moral psychology, and technology forecasting.


如果您向机器情报研究所捐款,则可以选择您的捐款应有助于填补的赠款提案。金宝博娱乐每当赠款提案得到充分资金时,它都会进入我们的“活跃项目”文件:它成为一个我们有足够资金的项目,并且我们公开致力于资助。(Some of the projects will go forward even without earmarked donations, with money from the general fund –€” but many won’€™t, and since our work is limited by how much money we have available to support skilled staff and Visiting Fellows, more money allows more total projects to go forward.)
