Introducing Myself



I am pleased to take a more direct role in fostering its success asPresidentof MIRI. I have left my previous role as Founder and Chief Strategist, a growing online music licensing firm, and have been assuming responsibility for the management of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute over the last few weeks.

Prospective volunteers, donors, and aspiring researchers should now make contact with me rather than with Tyler Emerson.

To those who I am greeting for the first time, let me introduce myself. On a professional level, I hold a Master of Business Administration from Drexel University, and am coming from a role that combined management, research, analysis, and strategy in a fast-growing music licensing firm from its founding in New York. In that capacity, in a previous role ataon, and in my academic studies I have been enduringly interested in finance and economics, particular the economics of technology and IP. Scientifically, I earned my undergraduate degree in biochemistry and have worked in several labs, as well as serving at theNational Institute of Standards and Technology,并广泛研究了科学技术的史以及生物认知增强的潜力。我曾与Peace Corps在哈萨克斯坦,在我和妻子阿鲁纳和硅谷住的曼哈顿之间分开了我的时间。

在潜在的严重道德后果的推动下,我对技术发展安全的兴趣已经过去了十多年。我特别专注于高级纳米技术和人工智能的潜力,参与Transvision和Transight会议等论坛,SL4mailing list,Overcoming Bias, and organizations such as MIRI and the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN). I plan to make my relevant work available at a single site, but in the meantime I will point to a small selection. For instance, I coauthored ananalysisof the risks of advanced molecular manufacturing and mitigating strategies withRobert Freitas, and contributed “Corporate Cornucopia” as a member of CRN’s Global Task Force. Those who would like to see more can view Michael Anissimov’s archive of some of my著作在他的website, and some of my most recent talks, an Institute of Ethics and Emerging Technologiespresentation关于意志力的不同观念的政治含义和Convergence08talk on decision theory for humans, are available on the web.

AsPresident, I plan to build on MIRI’s successes, such as the Singularity Summit, while also working to increase its internal and extramural research capabilities and output. In the course of the latter, I shall pay particular attention to the publication of research that improves the quality of our thinking about the potential and safety of advanced artificial intelligence, such as MIRI Research Fellow Eliezer Yudkowsky’stwocontributionsto the Oxford edited volume,Global Catastrophic Risks,从而更好地将内部研究进展与我们的支持者进行交流。金宝博娱乐

其中一些工作将涉及间接的元级贡献。例如,Rolf Nelson,Anna Salamon,Steven Rayhawk,Thomas McCabe等最近在Miri的工作,导致开发了一种软件工具,用于结合有关特定未来场景和技术发展的判断,以揭示不一致并启用更多的采用计划的连贯概率分配。该工具的内容和算法已经完成,现在正在进行最终确定软件界面的工作,并公开使用以提高有关相互关联技术方案的推理质量,包括涉及人工智能的技术。

Another effort involves conducting expert elicitation research to determine the state of academic and non-academic expert opinion regarding timelines and risks for advanced artificial intelligence.

Future research along these lines may explore particular biases and psychological factors affecting attitudes and reasoning related to artificial intelligence.

Other research will be directly focused on object-level problems. I plan to work vigorously to identify more promising extramural scholars whose work can be fruitfully promoted by MIRI grants, work such as MIRI-Canada Academic Prize Recipient Shane Legg’s “Machine Super-Intelligence.” At the same time I will be working to recruit and make best use of talented Research Fellows for MIRI’s internal efforts.

I look forward to describing further directions over the coming months, and invite the advice and opinions of the friends of MIRI at


迈克尔·瓦萨(Michael Vassar)

The Power of Intelligence


在我们的头骨中,我们携带约3磅的粘稠,湿,灰色的纸巾,像皱巴巴的厕纸一样波纹。You wouldn’t think, to look at the unappetizing lump, that it was some of the most powerful stuff in the known universe.如果您从未看过一本解剖学教科书,并且看到街上的大脑躺在街上,您会说“ youck!”。并尽量不要在鞋子上拿任何一件。Aristotle thought the brain was an organ that cooled the blood.It doesn’tlook危险的。

Five million years ago, the ancestors of lions ruled the day, the ancestors of wolves roamed the night.The ruling predators were armed with teeth and claws – sharp, hard cutting edges, backed up by powerful muscles.Their prey, in self-defense, evolved armored shells, sharp horns, poisonous venoms, camouflage.The war had gone on through hundreds of eons and countless arms races.Many a loser had been removed from the game, but there was no sign of a winner.Where one species had shells, another species would evolve to crack them; where one species became poisonous, another would evolve to tolerate the poison.每个物种都有其私人利基市场 - 因为谁能一次住在海洋,天空和土地上?There was no ultimate weapon and no ultimate defense and no reason to believe any such thing was possible.

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